Case study
Waterhouse electrical - Online job management & compliance system
Waterhouse Electrical is an electrical and engineering services company. Our bespoke online system helps the company manage its work more efficiently and effectively.

Waterhouse wanted to replace its manual processes with a bespoke online system for managing jobs that also provided some automation and removal of duplicated tasks.
- UX Design
- Visual Design
- Web Development
- Systems Development
- Usability Testing
This was a complex project requiring planning and our advice in re-engineering internal processes.
Several days were spent with Waterhouse staff to get a complete understanding of their current processes, mapping out what was required, what could be changed and the parts that could be automated.
We made suggestions as to where time and cost savings could be made and then developed interactive wireframes and prototypes which were tested and validated with staff.
The final solution (which was delivered on time and on budget) enables Waterhouse to manage all of their client work online from one online interface, including:
- quotes and estimates for new projects
- job tracking from allocation to invoicing
- detailed servicing compliance screens
- scheduling of engineers' time
- recording the work undertaken
- highlighting additional work that requires a quote
- generating compliance service reports for clients
- audit trail of work undertaken
- dashboard with alerts for overdue work
From initial consultations through to end result we received a very professional and friendly service from Revolution Software. On-site visits for the development phase were really beneficial along with the visuals provided at each stage. They understood our requirements from the off and delivered our new system on time. After only six months of using the new system we can already see the time and cost benefits. We are looking forward to working further with Revolution Software to further develop the system into other areas of the business.